Miranda McRae

Miranda McRae

There are a lot of things that bring me joy and make me happy. 

  1. Soccer 

Soccer is probably one of the biggest things that makes me happy. I have been playing soccer since I was eight years old. Being on the field is my safe place to forget about reality and just enjoy what I am doing. 

       2. My best friend 

She is my ride or die. No matter good terms or bad terms she is always there for me. She will make me smile even when I don’t want to. She has been my best friend for six years and isn’t going anywhere now. 

       3. My bunny Delila

Delila is the best thing that ever happened to me. She helps me with my depression and anxiety. Makes my family happy. She is a blessing to have. 

       4. Family

My family is always there for me and doesn’t everything in their power to make sure I am happy. Give me support with everything and anything, even with our ups and downs they still out me first. They give me all the love in the world and I don’t know what I would do without them.

       5. Car meets

Going to car meets is amazing because it’s the reason I started driving. The people who go are so nice and supportive. The car meets give me a break from reality to enjoy quality time with my friends. 

       6. The beach

Going to the beach has always cheered me up or made me happy. It’s so peaceful and relaxing sometimes it doesn’t feel real. Day or night is one place I go to cheer myself up or really put a pause on life. 

        7. Turtles

I absolutely love turtles so much. I have always loved them, I love seeing them. Sea turtles are the best thing ever and whenever I see one I can’t help but smile. 

        8. Photoshoots

Doing photoshoots is honestly so much fun. I have a blast while taking pictures. Even with people staring at me and questioning it I still laugh. Nothing can make me mad or sad while I have a photo shoot.

        9. Traveling

I love traveling so much. Especially when I go with my friends. I love seeing new places and new things. It just brings me so much joy to see these places. Traveling is the best thing ever and is 10 times better than going with friends and family.

         10. Food 

I love food so much, I do not know if it’s a girl thing or if eating my feelings away is normal. I love stuffing my face. It’s funny especially when I do it with my best friend. I don’t know what it is, but food will always put a smile on my face. 

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