Naeemah Cerizier

Naeemah with her mom and sister.

Naeemah Cerizier

It may sound typical, but I am extremely grateful for my family and GOD. My mom, sister, and the Lord have gotten me through this year smoothly. Without them, I am nothing. My mom and I have had a rocky relationship these past few years, but I feel every day our relationship is getting better. There are generational differences, but she is trying to learn and adapt, which has helped a lot. My personal expectations along with my tough course load have made her more understanding and appreciative of my hard work, though I may not always be the easiest child.

My 3-year-old sister, annoying, but I love her dearly. I can’t wait to see her grow and shine her personality out in the world. She keeps me going when I feel like giving up. Her cute smile and charm always puts a smile on my face, even when I’m mad.

I would also like to recognize my mentor, Ms. T. Without her push and encouragement, I wouldn’t be where I am now. She always wants me to be the best version of me and with her help, I will be.

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