- Tuesday, February 4th is the last day to schedule Senior Yearbook Pictures for seniors who still need their picture in the yearbook. Contact haily.bonust@palmbeachschools.
org - Progress reports will be distributed on Friday, February 7th during homeroom. Make sure to turn in all missed assignments to your teaches.
- Boys District Basketball @ Coral Glades (Qtr Finals) tonight
GRADBASH tickets will be going on sale starting THIS WEEK! Ticket prices are being finalized. Permission slips / trip packets will be available soon. This trip is for seniors only.
PROM tickets will go on sale NEXT WEEK (February 10-14). Ticket prices are being finalized but the first week will off a SWEETHEART of a deal! Prom Packets will also be available soon.
Congratulations to our Winter Guard team for placing 2nd place in their division and being promoted to another division last weekend. Also earning an Excellent on their performance Saturday at District Assessments. Captain Stephanie Paxtor & Instructor Rosales. Congratulations to the following students for earning a Superior this past Saturday at Solo & Ensemble music performance assessments: Aidan Burchfield -Senior Superior on trombone, Benjamin Vilanueva- Senior Superior on french horn, Josie Gomez- Junior Superior on mallets. Students earning an Excellent: Kyra Sweet- Junior on flute, Andy Montesino- Senior on clarinet, Stephanie Paxtor- Junior on clarinet