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Santaluces High School

The Tribe

  • Start of 3rd Quarter: 1/7
  • MLK Jr. Day: 1/20
Santaluces High School

The Tribe

Santaluces High School

The Tribe

Freshmen's Transition to Sophmore

Freshmen’s Transition to Sophmore

Sarah Greer, Staff Writer April 30, 2014

As freshman year comes to a close, many freshmen share their wisdom of what happened this year, what they wish they could change, and what they will strive for in the years to come. “It wasn’t an...

Fast Food Feuds

Fast Food Feuds

Sarah Greer, Staff Writer April 8, 2014

The long lasting feud between the fast food industries has reached a new high. Taco Bell has started the war by putting out antagonizing commercials towards McDonald's. Taco Bell brought in men who's...

Science and Yearbook teacher Mr. Woods marches in the Lake Worth Gay Pride Festival.

PrideFest in Lake Worth

Sarah Greer, Staff Writer April 6, 2014

PrideFest is a celebration to support gay rights in the community and for LGBTQ and their allies to come together for such an occasion. It was a huge party in Lake Worth, right by the beach; there were...

Prom Rules = School Rules

Prom Rules = School Rules

Sarah Greer, Staff Writer March 28, 2014

Prom is the time to have fun, but remember that everything has rules. For Prom there are mandatory requirements such as only Seniors and Juniors may attend. Also, dates must be 19 or younger, according...

Freshman Rewarded for Their Service

Freshman Rewarded for Their Service

Sarah Greer, Staff Writer March 13, 2014

To graduate from high school, all students need 20 community service hours.  This week, Dr. Weigel rewarded freshmen who earned their hours before the end of the year. Students with 5 to 10 hours received...

Clash of the Class T-Shirts

Clash of the Class T-Shirts

Sarah Greer, Staff Writer March 7, 2014

Dr. Weigel came up with the idea of making class shirts when she was the principal at Atlantic in 2005. She said it was to make new students feel welcomed and to bring the school together as a unit and...

 Dress Mess Resolved With ''Reserved''

Dress Mess Resolved With ”Reserved”

Sarah Greer, Staff Writer February 13, 2014

Prom is the time of year for seniors to get ready for their last hoorah, before they venture off into the adult world. The main issue for many of the girls attending is the difficult choice of picking...

The Fair Has Come and Gone

The Fair Has Come and Gone

Sarah Greer, Staff Writer February 11, 2014

The South Florida Fair has finally come to a close, and students remember the great times they had with friends and family. Many students such as Haley Hinkofer, Taylor Kaulbaugh, and Austin Hackle...

Race For A Cure

Race For A Cure

Sarah Greer, Staff Writer January 29, 2014

Santaluces students attended a breast cancer walk to support the spread of concern throughout the community. This past Saturday, fellow chiefs went to the Race for the Cure in Clematis to support the...

Fair Foods For Chiefs

Fair Foods For Chiefs

Sarah Greer, Staff Writer January 29, 2014

Since the fair has begun, many students  have been anticipating the delicacies that the fair has to offer.   Many enjoy all of the food it has to offer such as the fried cheese balls and the turkey...

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