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Santaluces High School

The Tribe

  • Start of 3rd Quarter: 1/7
  • MLK Jr. Day: 1/20
Santaluces High School

The Tribe

Santaluces High School

The Tribe

Senior class enters the gym.

Last Pep Rally of the Year on LTM

Whitney Thelusme, Staff Writer January 12, 2017

The last pep rally of the year is going to be Thursday January 19th, a late start day. After an early Homecoming Pep Rally in September, students have been anticipating a second pep rally for winter and...

Chiefs of Santaluces: Jessey Blanchard

Chiefs of Santaluces: Jessey Blanchard

Whitney Thelusme December 22, 2016

"My first day of high school I was nervous because I didn't really know anybody. I went from being the top kid in middle school to being a little kid in high school. I was scared I thought I was going...

Bad Case of Senioritis

Bad Case of Senioritis

Whitney Thelusme, Staff Writer December 20, 2016

"Senioritis"-Not even a real word. Used to describe a fake illness seniors get when they get really lazy and don't want to do any work or even come to school. It's almost the end of the first semester...

Juniors Get Class Rings

Juniors Get Class Rings

Whitney Thelusme, Staff Writer November 30, 2016
Coming Back From Break

Coming Back From Break

Whitney Thelusme, Staff Writer November 29, 2016

A few days off from school and your sleeping schedule is all messed up. You go from waking up at 6:00 a.m. and going to sleep at 10:00 p.m. to waking up at at noon and going to sleep at 2:00 a.m. You...

Freshmen Use SCRIPPS Microscopes

Freshmen Use SCRIPPS Microscopes

Whitney Thelusme, Staff Writer November 16, 2016

Graduate students from SCRIPPS Research Center taught a lesson on cell size to Ms. Conklin's freshman Biology Honors classes this week. Ms.Case-Sweenys's students participated before the hurricane. Students...

Chiefs of Santaluces: Samuel Olius

Chiefs of Santaluces: Samuel Olius

Whitney Thelusme, Staff Writer November 7, 2016

"One day I went to go pick up my friends to go hoop at our community park. We played a 5 on 5 game full court, that game was crazy. It was the most intense game of basketball I've ever played. We played...

Chiefs Win Rivalry Week

Chiefs Win Rivalry Week

Whitney Thelusme, Staff Writer November 1, 2016

The idea for rivalry week was brought up by Park Vista's SGA to raise money for breast cancer and to increase school spirit in the students of both schools. The deal was that which ever school raises...

First SGA District Meeting

First SGA District Meeting

Whitney Thelusme, Staff Writer October 28, 2016

Santaluces SGA attended the first District meeting of the year at Royal Palm Beach High School. SGA district meetings are held in parliamentary procedure. They consist of old business, new business, unfinished...

PV vs SHS Rivalry Week

PV vs SHS Rivalry Week

Whitney Thelusme, Staff Writer October 20, 2016

The week of October 24th to 28th will be a rivalry week between Santaluces and Park Vista. We will be competing to raise the most money for Breast Cancer Awareness To raise money, SGA and the National...

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