“I’m a sophomore here at Santa and boy oh boy time is going fast. Two years is a pretty short time when you think about it, which is why I’m going to try to make the best of the rest of my high school experience. I’ve joined NAHS this year as a result of my passion for the arts and I don’t regret it. I love the activities we do and the fun-loving nature of everyone in it. I’m in the visual arts academy and absolutely adore the classes I’m in (visual and photo tech). In the future I’m for sure going to pursue a degree and career in the visual arts field. Overall, the time I’ve spent at Santa so far has been enjoyable and I’m looking forward to my Junior year.”
COS: Kailyn Licari
Jordan Foldy, Staff Writer
March 15, 2018
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Jordan Foldy, Staff Writer
Hi I'm Jordan Foldy. I am now a senior. My friends like to call me Jordy. I have been on the varsity softball team for the past three years and hope to be on the team again as a captain. I am obsessed with going to the beach, and have had a deep love for turtles since the third grade. I am an officer in National English Honor Society and a member in all the honor societies and have been a Key Club member since my sophomore year. I am very excited to be in newspaper and enjoy my senior year. I plan to go to a four-year university and then transfer to law school to become a defense lawyer.