Amy Soria Galvarro
Amy Soria Galvarro
Amy Soria Galvarro is an exceptional Sophomore here at Santaluces Community High School and is excited to continue her high school career as a Chief. She is very active in the school community and enjoys playing the guitar with her band in her free time.
Sports are a big part of Amy’s life. She has been a member of the Santaluces Volleyball team since last year. Along with getting to spend time with her wonderful teammates, she said, “I love getting to push myself above and beyond my potential.” Last year she also participated in cheerleading and hopes to get back to it soon. Outside of school, Amy has been doing kickboxing and taekwondo for twelve years.
Amy is also incredibly academically motivated. She is a member of both the Criminal Justice and the Medical Academy. In addition to that, she is on track to graduate with her AICE diploma as she’s taking four AICE classes this year. In her freshman year, Amy went on a trip with the Florida Public Service Association (FPSA) for her Criminal Justice class. She was the first Freshman in Santaluces history to be invited on this week-long trip. While there, she competed against schools all over Florida in events like obstacle courses and CJ exams. In addition, she helped her upperclassmen with their competitions. She also participated in a 5-kilometer run with her Criminal Justice class for the Special Olympics.
In the Medical Academy, one of the most memorable things she has done is go to the Cadaver Lab. She got to have hands-on experience with cadavers, which was very exciting since she plans to one day become a surgeon focusing on either cardiovascular or neurology.
Balancing all of these advanced classes and extracurriculars shows just how responsible and motivated Amy is. One of her teachers, Ms.Lupu, said, “She holds high expectations, is always full of energy, has a big heart, and is always attentive.” It is clear that she manages her time well to be able to excel in everything she does. I for one am very excited to see what else Amy contributes to the Chiefs in these next two and a half years.