MCT Campus
A new Miss America has been crowned: Miss Georgia.
Miss America and not the scandalous organization known as Miss USA, which is run by Donal Trump and aired on Sunday, Sept 12.
The 21-year-old beauty Betty Cantrell beat out 51 other contestants for the title and most importantly earned the scholarship amounting to $50,000.
For the talent portion of the competition, Cantrell performed an opera solo, and wore a two-piece white satin gown with an aqua trim for the evening gown section. When asked a question about the Deflategate scandal, her answer is what caught people’s attention. She explained that she wasn’t there to actually see it happen to know whether it did or not, but simply put, she believes that Tom Brady did indeed cheat and should have been suspended for doing so.
“I’m still so overwhelmed,” Cantrell told reporters moments after being crowned Miss America. “I don’t know what to say other than thank you.”