Ryan Jayne
Bored during your time stuck at home? Here are a couple of games that you should consider playing.
While staying at home during this quarantine, many people are unsure of how they should keep themselves busy. One of the absolute best ways to keep yourself from being bored is by playing video games, so here is a list of the four best games that you should play during the break.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
The newest game in the Animal Crossing series, New Horizons, came just in time for fans who waited years to play it, as well as people who are new to the series. The game came out on March 20th, and there are people who still haven’t put down the game to this day. There’s something really enjoyable about spending your days on an island and trying to pay off your debt while in quarantine.
The Borderlands Series
Any of the Borderlands games, without a doubt, have hours and hours of playtime in them. If you would like to spend a lot of time on a game, any of the Borderlands games will do. The whole point of the game is to restart after you finish it so you can unlock higher difficulties. Borderlands 2 is highly recommended by most players, as it is seen as the best in the series.
Without fail, GTA V has still kept itself in the limelight over the years. To this day, people are still online, participating in heists with their friends or just messing around in the game’s main location. Having been around for nearly seven years, GTA V is a game that still has a future ahead of it, regardless of what other games come out or already exist.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone
The 2019 edition of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a game that is played by many, which is no surprise because of the massive fanbase behind the series. Due to the recent popularity of battle-royale games, many companies have tried their hand at making their own edition of this trend. Warzone is an example of one of these hits, as many people have played it since its March 2020 release. It is highly recommended to play this, especially with your friends, having a go at trying to win a match.