The official cover poster for Marvel Studios' Eternals, out now.
On November 5, 2021, Marvel Studios released their new hit movie Eternals, introducing a plethora of new characters into the MCU. Warning: Eternals spoilers ensue.
Eternals follows a group of ten immortal beings called Eternals who fight these creatures called Deviants. Deviants were created to kill humans, and Eternals were created to fight them.
They were made to protect Earth and its population but were told not to interfere with Earth’s worst events for any reason unless Deviant related.
This would keep going until it was time for a Celestial to come to life. Celestials were made to continue expanding the universe and create new solar systems and planets. But, in the process of a Celestial coming to life, the planet it inhabited would be destroyed, instantly killing everyone on it.
After the death of a major Eternal, the rest of the group is left to wonder whether they were fighting for the right thing.
We were introduced to our Eternals, some of them including Sersi, Ikarus, and Druig, but we were also introduced to some characters that may play major roles in the future of the MCU.
Actor Kit Harrington plays Dane Whitman, a man who states he doesn’t have a good rapport with his uncle. When Sersi tells him to reconnect with his uncle because he may not get the chance to later, Dane finds out something about his family.
In the post-credit scene, we see Dane about to pick up the Ebony sword when a voice behind him stops him from doing so, but we never see who that voice belongs to. That voice was confirmed Mahershela Ali’s character of Blade, who will be introduced to the MCU soon.
His confirmation of being a part of the MCU came during the 2019 Comic-Con Panel in San Diego.
Dane Whitman will become the character of the Black Knight in the MCU, setting up a potential Blade/Black Knight team-up in the future.
In the mid-credit scene of the Eternals, we were introduced to two other characters: Pip, voiced by Patton Oswalt, and Eros, brother of the mad titan Thanos, played by Harry Styles.
These two were introduced after the cliffhanger at the end of the movie, which showed three of the Eternals taken from Earth, and he and the rest of them seem to be teaming up in order to find them.
All in all, Marvel seems to be setting up a promising future for the MCU, including many new projects that are set to be released on both Disney+ and theaters in the near future.
Marvel has confirmed both Black Night and Blade projects that are set to come out in the next few years.