Who is Lil Miquela?

Stephanie Ballesteros, Staff Writer

Instagram famous Lil Miquela has finally revealed her voice. Many people are so curious as to who she is because her entire account consists of computer-generated pictures. This leaves people wondering if she is even a real person. Miquela entered the famous world in 2016 with the creation of her Instagram account. She has gained 335K followers over time. With her first album “Not Mine” being dropped in August, the intrigue of her identity grew even more.

After being very private about herself, Miquela decided to have an interview with youtuber, Shane Dawson. This is interesting because Dawson has become known for his conspiracy theories and his obsession with discovering who Lil Miquela is.

In the interview, Shane tried to uncover who Miquela is but all she answered was, “This may be shocking but I’m Miquela.” And even with all his attempts, she stuck with the same answer. Later on, in the interview, she mentioned, “I’m just trying to make great art and make the world hurt less.” This has left many people thinking that maybe she is just a normal girl, using social media to become famous.

She also disclaimed the theory of her being a creation of a company with the intention of advertising. Many fans also believed that Darth Bador, an Instagram model was indeed Lil Miquela, because of their strong resemblance. Not only has this theory been proven to be wrong by Lil Miquela herself, but also has made Instagram Darth Bador even more famous.

When asked if she will look like her Instagram pictures when she finally decides to reveal her face, Lil Miquela answered with, “When the time comes that you get to meet me in real life, you will see what you see on my Instagram.”

Although this interview still left the same question of “Who is Lil Miquela?” unanswered, it did help to reveal what her voice really sounds like without all of the autotune. Leading her fans one step closer to discovering who she truly is.