With the end of the year approaching so are the tests that some of us have been dreading all year. The AP exams are between less than a month to a month away. These Advanced Placement tests determine whether or not you get the college credit for the course. Failing this test doesn’t necessarily penalize you, you can pass the class and get the high school credit for it, but it would mean that you don’t get the college credit.
A few of the AP classes offer Saturday success to help you prepare for the exam such as, AP US History and AP Biology, but to pass this test it’s going to take more effort than just showing up for school. These tests contain several parts to them that require you to spend your own time on them to completely understand how to do them.
Due to the amount of time that we have to prepare for this test sometimes the teachers don’t have enough class time to go over everything you need to know thoroughly. This is why if you want to pass your AP exams it’s essential that you spend all the time you can studying for it.
You can study for this test at home by looking up previous test exams and going through them, or you could buy a practice book from Barnes and Noble. Most of the practice books include sample tests the have the answers to them in the back. Getting these books is a good way to study for these tests but looking up reviews for the test and watching review videos can also be efficient.
If you are unaware of how to compose DBQs, SAQs, FRQs or any other writing formats you can go online and watch videos breaking down how to put it together. These videos won’t help you if you don’t find samples of these writing prompts and start to practice writing them.
In order to pass this test you need to study constantly. Make sure before the exam you get a good night of sleep and eat a good breakfast.