Ana Lara-Cruz
A senior assembly was held in the PAC during second period to discuss graduation requirements, obligations, exams, and graduation itself. Mr. Kupa reiterated to students that behavior issues will not be tolerated during the important dates coming up and if any student fails to comply with the rules and regulations, he or she will not be able to walk at graduation on May 18th.
Some important dates for seniors to remember:
May 1st will be the “Senior Success Celebration” that will honor the post secondary plans of each senior.
May 12th will be Senior checkout from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
May 13th is graduation practice from 8:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Students are to be prompt to the rehearsal and if they are locked out of graduation practice, they will not be allowed to walk graduation day.
May 14th is the senior awards assembly and will be held in the PAC at 6 p.m.
May 6th is when all financial obligations (money for lost books, uniforms, fines, etc.) MUST be cleared. If obligations are NOT paid by this day then students will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony.
May 18th is graduation day and will be held at the South Florida fair grounds Expo Center at 12 p.m. but seniors need to arrive at 10:30 a.m.
If seniors have to return to campus for exams, they must pass their exam in order to receive the credit for the class. If a student is enrolled in an AP or AICE class and do not come to take the exams, they will be put on obligation and will not be allowed to walk until that obligation is paid off or the exam is taken.