Kailyn Licari
Students can follow the U.S. history ECO account on instagram.
The U.S. history EOC is fast approaching, with Juniors scrambling to stuff their brains with all the information learned this year by May 13th. Students must know everything from the Civil War all the way up to the Obama administration. Many have most likely forgotten much of the events they’ve learned from the beginning of the year and could use a refresher.
Luckily, AP/Honors U.S. history teacher Mrs. Mangone has put together something to help the juniors in studying and remembering the necessary material. She’s created a instagram account, @santaluces_ushistoryeoc, that’s accessible to all Santaluces students.
“I wanted to be able to reach as many Juniors as I could through social media.” – Mrs. Mangone
Mrs. Mangone enlisted the help of her AP and Honors students to provide information for posts, whether it be in image or video form. The choice to provide studying material through this way is making use of a widely used platform in a educational and innovative way. Students will constantly see history information that their fellow peers provide, evidently doing studying in a fun and easy to consume manner.
All juniors taking the U.S. History EOC this year should follow @santaluces_ushistoryeoc to get some refreshers on their daily instagram feed. Students of course shouldn’t solely rely on this account for studying purposes, but it’s definitely a good start.