Azwad Ahmed
Palm Beach County COVID-19 Vaccination Site at the South Florida Fairgrounds.
Florida has now opened its pre-registration process to receive the COVID-19 vaccine for those 18 years old or older.

The pre-registration process allows Florida residents to easily save a spot in line to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
Governor Ron DeSantis announced the decision Thursday, March 25th via Twitter, wanting to vaccinate all Florida adults by May 1st, as per President Biden’s vaccination plan for the United States.
After successfully vaccinating approximately 70% of Seniors living in Florida, Governor DeSantis is hopeful for all Florida residents, “We want to keep up that momentum as we expand eligibility to other age groups throughout the state of Florida.”
Florida residents who are 40 and older will be eligible to receive vaccines beginning Monday, March 29th.
Florida residents who are 18 and older will be eligible to receive vaccines beginning Monday, April 5th.
You can pre-register you and your family on the Florida vaccination website here.