Gabrielle O'Brien
Our very own Mrs. Schroader excited at the news of the teacher raise!
On October 4, the Palm Beach County School Board approved an astonishing 7% raise for public school teachers. The 7% also includes permanent substitutes. In addition, all instructional employees will receive a one-time 3% bonus based on their base salary. This landmark deal will also include athletic coaches and other school administrators. This is incredible news for all of our hardworking PBC educators.
Through collective bargaining methods from the PBC Classroom Teachers Association, the School Board will give the raise based on performance, proving that the dedication of teachers from this county is paying off.
Our PBC Superintendent Mike Burke even mentioned how much this raise was needed. As it is the highest pay raise in 25 years, this is a historic event for teacher’s rights. WJNO at IHeart Radio reports that the teacher shortage in Palm Beach County is at 6.2%, higher than Florida’s average of 4.2%. Our teacher shortage is the highest in the state; Palm Beach County public school educators are overworked and tirelessly dedicated to their students, but everyone gets burnt out eventually.
As the child of a public school teacher in this county, I can see how much this profession can require from a person. It’s a career full of love, commitment, and genuine care for students, but it isn’t fair to teachers to have the job of bringing up the next generation with little to no attention given back to them. The diligence needed to have students be more than a test score and become multifaceted and knowledgeable young adults can’t be done if a teacher is struggling.
The Edvocate lists multiple reasons why a salary increase for teachers is needed. I believe the most important reason listed is that it keeps teachers in the classroom. Teachers are not some never-tiring entity that won’t talk about what they need and deserve as educators and employees. If someone isn’t being appreciated at their job, they will leave, and that is true for any profession.
Now that it has been roughly one week since the School Board has approved this action it should be ratified soon; about $95.2 million will soon be committed to this momentous action. I’m glad that our teachers will receive the recognition they deserve.