Ethan Mansdorf
Link Crew seniors greeting the incoming freshman.
Dozens of incoming freshmen students filed their way into the gymnasium passing through a line of cheerleaders and Link Crew members as the Band of Chiefs played the school’s fight song. Members of the freshmen class made their way up into the bleachers and listened as Principal Robinson introduced the administrators and a few of the teachers that the class of 2021 will encounter during their experience.
Freshman English teacher and Link Crew sponsor Ms. Franco said, “this year is going to be great. This is definitely a larger class, so that alone has its challenges, but they seem positive, outgoing, and ready to be on their way to success.”
The cheerleaders performed a routine, then Coach T. hosted a series of icebreaker activities that included a rendition of Old McDonald, Simon Says, and a balloon pop relay race. Afterward, the freshmen gathered into groups lead by a pair of Link Crew members in order to get a more thorough understanding of what they have to look forward to in high school.
Link Crew member and senior Autumn Hallyburton explained, “the pep rallies and making new friends” were her favorite parts about entering Santaluces.
During the time spent in the smaller groups the freshmen were able to have a look around campus and ask questions about the daily life. Many inquired about the various sports they could join and what to do if they become lost on their way to class.
“I’m nervous, but excited to be in the Early Childhood academy and for sports like soccer and volleyball.” Freshman Miranda Mcrae said. “Today was helpful and it made me feel more comfortable about the first day.”
The Link Crew members directed their groups of freshmen to the gymnasium where they received their schedules and had the opportunity to talk with friends and ask questions to upperclassmen, teachers, and the principal.
“I am excited to welcome these students as they transition into high school,” said Principal Robinson. “I want to make sure they stay on top of their grades and get involved in the sports and extracurricular activities at this school for their high school experience.”