The JROTC Academy got together on Veterans Day to do a Veterans Day Parade in Downtown Lake Worth. We walk in this parade every year.
We walk with the battalion commander, staff, color guard, and the rest of the people in the academy walk together.
Usually parades on veterans start at 11am. In the army being on time is late and being early is on time. We met here at santaluces at 8am. We got into formation and made sure we had permission slips for everyone that was there. We got on the bus and headed to Downtown Lake Worth. We had a little more than 40 cadets attend the parade.
Once it turned 11 we walked down the main strip of Downtown, Ocean Avenue. There were many different floats that came out (cars, the police horses, and trailer floats), and we weren’t the only school that attended, Lake Worths JROTC and Criminal Justice academy was there as well as Forest Hills Marching Band.
Many people show up every year, and the crowd continues to get bigger and bigger throughout the years.

Our banner led the way starting off our school in the parade.
We got to go out and support our local veterans. The JROTC is always trying to be involved in activities that help others and help the kids learn to be more open minded.