“Every Buddy Belongs.” There were many different training sessions and activities over the 3 days at Indiana University. Isabella, Jesenia, and Sal all learned more about the mission of Best Buddies and how they can work in our school and our community to support the inclusion of people with IDD (intellectual and developmental disabilities). It’s truly remarkable how experiences like the Best Buddies Leadership Conference can leave such a profound impact on your life. From the airport to the closing ceremony, building community by connecting with others from around the world, and hearing stories and experiences you’ve never heard anywhere else. Spending time with my friends from here to making new friends around the globe.
There is just something about Best Buddies that you can’t explain and have to be a part of it yourself to see.
Hear from the Santaluces Best Buddies President about her experience: “It was something life-changing, and I am forever grateful for it. BBLC is the most amazing experience a person can have. I have had the pleasure of going two years in a row, and it only gets better. It is truly so special to spend a weekend surrounded by like-minded people from all over the world who all believe in the mission of inclusion. We celebrate through dance parties and conferences. It is a memory that I know will last a lifetime and something I will share with my future children. I have learned so much, and it has helped me grow into the leader I am for my Best Buddies chapter here at Santaluces. I have heard tips from local schools on how they run their meetings, ideas for fundraisers and events, and above all, I have met the most amazing and caring people. I left Indiana this year feeling completely inspired to take on this last year as president, and I am so thankful to my members who came together to help us fundraise enough to send myself, my VP Jesenia Rodriguez, and my buddy director Sal Mangone. I know they enjoyed it as much as I did, and I hope together we can help inspire our school’s community and motivate chiefs to strive for the inclusion of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities/IDD.”