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Santaluces High School

The Tribe

  • Start of 3rd Quarter: 1/7
  • No School: 2/24
  • End of 3rd Quarter: 3/21
Santaluces High School

The Tribe

Santaluces High School

The Tribe

A couple of streaming platforms and TV shows

What Is the Best TV Show?

Liliana Stollberg, Staff Writer September 9, 2023

People of all ages and places love to watch television. It is a great source of entertainment, and what better way to unwind after a long day than by watching your favorite show? But what is the best show...

Meet The Teacher: Ms.Matuella

Meet The Teacher: Ms.Matuella

Walkyria Paz, Staff Writer November 15, 2018

Santaluces High School is filled with great teachers and administrators. However, there are a handful of teachers who take the cake. Ms.Matuella is one of these teachers. What inspires you to be a better...

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