via Pexels.com
Staying inside for a good majority of the year, really gets you thinking. The past year I really took the time to reflect on who I am as a person and who I want to become in the future. I still haven’t figured it out yet completely, but there’s a beauty in the process. I think self-reflecting is an amazing thing to do especially during a time where the world is frozen and everyone had to stay inside for their own safety. It really got me thinking, “I want to become the best version of myself, that I could possibly be.” Of course, that may never be possible, but it’s worth a shot. I realized that on the road to “becoming the best person I could be” I had to do the best I can academically.
Learning online was a challenge at first. It was completely different than learning in person, but after the first 2 weeks, I got the hang of it. I personally find online learning significantly easier than going to in-person classes. working at my own pace, not having to leave my house to go to school, and I can work on assignments as soon as they get assigned. Of course, I miss the interaction between me, and my friends and teachers, however, and I feel like that can be an aspect of in-person learning that no monitor can ever replace. I try my best to make online learning the best experience that I can have, so I avidly participate in the chat, hoping to get a conversation started.
I do feel that I’ve matured during this pandemic and I can differentiate what I find important in my life and what others find important for me. I’ve learned how to make my own decisions and manage my own life. I understand that many people have despised this pandemic, and trust me I have, but I believe that it is important to make the best of every situation and try to look at things in the best light possible.