Liliana Stollberg
A picture of Jakob Thompson at Santaluces High School
On November 30, 2023, a senior at Santaluces High School saved a woman’s life at the Boynton Inlet.
On his way to Delray Beach, Jakob Thompson and his girlfriend decided to stop and visit the Boynton Inlet. Pulling into the parking lot Thompson saw a crowd of people gathered around the seawall, looking into the water. Looking closer, he noticed that someone seemed to be hanging onto the wall. “I didn’t know if they were pulling out a dead body or what was going on,” Thompson explains. The two decided to drive over and get a closer look.
“When I drove around, a woman was floating past the front of my truck.” Jakob Thompson immediately knew that he had to save her. “I knew I was fully capable of helping, and if I’m capable I want to help. I couldn’t just watch her drift away knowing I could have done something.”
The woman looked to be in her 20s and Thompson thinks she had been struggling for a while. A man who had been there before said when she first fell into the water she was sucked into a whirlpool. The water was pulling her down, so a group of surrounding guys threw a rope out to her and then were able to grab her. This is what Jacob saw when he first arrived, but she slipped and was floating down the intercoastal. There was an outgoing tide which means that the water was being pulled from the intercoastal into the ocean. The woman could have been lost in the ocean if not for Jakob’s bravery.
Watch dramatic unedited footage of Jakob’s heroic actions here:
Jakob Thompson is no stranger to swimming in rough currents. He explained he spends much time at Beer Can Island in Boynton Beach, on boats and jet skis. “I’m comfortable with that Inlet and I know the tides” This meant that Thompson was able to easily swim to the woman by following the tide.
The swim became more strenuous once he reached the woman and realized he’d have to carry her back. She was weak and out of breath, trying to talk to Jakob through her gasps. He said he was just trying to keep her focused on holding her head up. Eventually, with the help of the gathered crowd, they were able to pull the women out of the water.
Luckily someone had called 911 and an ambulance and patrol boat pulled up shortly after the woman had been saved. If Jakob had come any later, the first responders may have arrived in a completely different situation.
The most remarkable part of this is Jakob’s courage and determination. The water at the inlet is well known for its dangers, however, Jakob never had a doubt in his mind that he would be able to rescue the woman. “I knew I was going to have to help. I knew I was in a position where I would have to do that.” Jakob bravely committed everything he had to the situation.
After his intense afternoon, Jakob Thompson decided to spend the rest of his day spending time with his grandparents, who were in town visiting. This is the story of a young man who jumped into action to help save a life—not for recognition or appreciation—but because he knew it was the right thing to do. This is the story of a true hero!