Angie Pleitiz
Angie Pleitez
Angie Pleitez wanted the AICE diploma in order to acquire the Bright Futures scholarship since she couldn’t hit the SAT requirement. Her experience in the program has been pretty difficult as it has impacted her both academically and personally. The biggest challenge in her Sophomore year was when she had family problems at home on the same day of her AICE English Language and AICE International exam and she had to rush to school to be on time for the exam.
Unfortunately, she came five minutes late, causing her not to be able to take the English exam that she had prepared for all year, but the comfort of her friends was able to help her. Her favorite AICE class was AICE Global Perspectives since it was individually paced while disciplining. She liked how she was able to implore topics that were imperative to talk about and allowed creativity to occur. Angie would advise those who want the diploma to not overwork themselves even though it is very rewarding as doing so could cause “burnout, mental illness, and constant stress.” Instead, she advises being around those who share the same goal and making it fun and enjoyable through the process.