Kyra cabello
Kyra Cabello
Kyra Cabello has wanted the AICE Diploma ever since she found out about it and saw that it was a way to obtain the Bright Futures Scholarship. She knew she was a good test taker and found it better to focus on getting hours rather than her GPA or SAT score. The difficulty of the program, in her opinion, depended on the courses that were taken but in general, the content of the courses was easy while the homework could get hard to keep up with.
Her favorite class, though, was Thinking Skills with Mrs. Fullington because she was supportive, engaging, and had a desire for her students to understand what she was teaching. She also liked it as she could apply what she learned in real life and has a love of completing puzzles. She advises anyone when taking the exams to make sure that even if you don’t know the answer, try to write down key points so that the graders can see that you’re on the right track so you’ll be able to get partial points as they don’t take away any points.