Join This Club, Change the World

Nicole Kalpin, Staff Writer

The new club on campus, Be The CHANGE, is headed by senior Mumtahinah Rashid, and sponsored by English teacher Ms. Schroader. However, the idea of the club wasn’t entirely Rashid’s.

The club originates at Lake Worth High School, but a student that graduated last year approached her and asked her to bring the club to Santaluces. Wanting to help make a change in her community, Rashid did just that. The student from Lake Worth High, who was also the former president of Be The CHANGE, will remain in contact, suggesting ideas and projects for the Santaluces club to do.

The purpose of Be The CHANGE is to help the community and stir passion within the students. Although no events are set in stone, the club hopes to do walks, donate books for needy children, and “Sandwich Saturdays.” Sandwich Saturdays is where the club puts together packages of food and a card and send it to orphans.

Mumtahinah hopes to be able to work with students who either cannot help in their community or who don’t, but wish to do so. Santaluces requires all students to have a minimum of 20 hours to graduate.

“I’d like for us to help the community around us,” Mumtahinah said. “While also stirring passion within the students. It’s also for students who want to help the community but don’t know how to.”

Be The CHANGE will be meeting on Mondays in portable 8, located behind the 1000 building.