Santaluces is No Place For Hate

Emily Saba, Staff Writer

You may have noticed some signs posted around school with anti-bullying quotes and images. With this and more, Santaluces is an official No Place For Hate School.

The National Honors Society took part in the initiative held by the Anti-Defamation League. For a school to become an official member, participants read and sign ADL’s Resolution of Respect Form, choose and complete at least three anti-bias activities, participate in one ADL education training program, and submit the Activity Fulfillment Form.

Santaluces participated by promoting essays and creative writings on bullying and prevention, making posters to raise awareness, and working with the Little Chiefs to encourage kindness at a young age.

“I’m very proud of the creativity and leadership the students exemplified to raise awareness on cyberbullying,” said Ms. Conklin, the NHS sponsor.

In order to ensure and promote positivity, the school was given a banner that will be presented on Hypoluxo Road. NHS students were also given pins to represent their hard work.