Relay for Life is a great event to raise money and awareness for cancer research. All proceeds go directly toward the American Cancer Society. Here, participants are encouraged to create a team (their school, friends, family, etc) to reach a goal for the event and raise as much money as possible.
In previous years, our Chiefs have taken part of Relay for Life through clubs here at school including Key Club, National Honor Society, Anime Club, and many more. Relay for Life was also held at Florida Atlantic University two years ago, where students could stay overnight at the event. Since last year, our Chiefs have decided to go to the Relay for Life located at the South Florida Fairgrounds due to an interference with the college and school’s spring break week. Despite the location, every year our Chiefs enjoy the energetic atmosphere and all of the games and activities the event has to offer.
Rather than working separately to raise money like we did in previous years, all of the clubs decided to merge into one big team for this event. We decided to set a goal of raising $1,000 before the end of the night. Our very own Jaden Cimafranca decided that if we reached this goal at any time during the event, he would shave his long, well groomed hair. After about four hours into the event, we were able to reach our goal! Jaden was brave enough to accept the challenge he signed up for and shaved his hair down to a buzz.
By the end of the night, a ceremony called Luminaria was held in recognition for those who are battling and those who have lost the battle to cancer. Participants of the event were able to decorate bags in memory of loved ones. When the Luminaria started, candles were lit inside of each bag and were placed along the track of the event. A silent walk around the track was also held so that the participants could see just how many people were affected by cancer. It was an emotional moment in Relay for Life, yet it was beautiful to see how a community can unify as one.
“My favorite part was watching Jaden get his head shaved because it was hilarious. It was also rewarding because I knew it was happening due to the fact that we reached our goal.” Said junior Emily Black.
“My favorite part about Relay for Life was having the opportunity to meet new people with captivating stories and being able to raise more than $1,000 as a school for an important cause.” Said senior Juanpablo Gonzalez.