Hot Lunches Could Return Soon

Chwoeger Charleston

Santaluces Cafeteria

Chwoeger Charleston, Staff Writer

Along with all the other changes students faced when they returned to campus this year, lunch hasn’t been the same. Rather than the wide variety of hot and cold lunches from previous years, this year, because of the pandemic, students are only given cold lunches served in bags.

Some schools already started serving hot lunches, and Santaluces was to do the same about two weeks ago, however, a delay in the installment of the ventilation system in the school cafeteria has prevented this, said Mr. Marnor, head of the cafeteria.  

“The hood” as the cafeteria staff calls it removes steam, smoke, heat, cooking odors, and airborne grease particles that are produced while cooking in order to keep the cafeteria kitchen clean and safe. Without it, the risk of a fire in the kitchen or poisoning of the food is higher.

“We can’t start using any of the equipment until we have the hood,” said Mr. Marnor.

He said he hates that he is not even able to make the cookies that the students all know and love.

“It depresses me because I want to do right by the kids,” he said.  

Fortunately, he said that the hood should be installed some time next week and the cafeteria staff can finally start using the gas ovens and steam tables to make the hot meals again. 

Because of the social distance requirements, no more than ten staff members are allowed in the kitchen at a time so the staff will not be able to provide the large variety of options, such as the ones from Cafe Sol y Mar and Asian Xperience.

However, there will be such things as teriyaki chicken, pepperoni pinwheels, and chicken sandwiches to look forward to. Mr. Marnor also hopes he is able to do something for Thanksgiving. The days of cold sandwiches and muffins will soon be over so that students can have a glimpse of what they were used to for lunch.