COS: Mantorolo Joseph

Chwoeger Charleston, Staff Writer

Mantorolo Joseph, or “Monty”, is a senior who has tried his best to maximize his growth through his high school experiences. He describes himself as an average student academically, but his passion for football and becoming the best person he can be is what truly defines him.

One of his biggest interests and a major part of his life is football. Monty was in the Santaluces football team his freshman year and played two spring seasons in his sophomore year. That time of his life was a major keystone of his personal development.

“I feel like over the past 4 years I have developed into someone who I would have looked up to, and playing football helped me. It introduced me to hard work and intensity that I can use later on to help me accomplish all of my future goals”, said Joseph. 

Although he does not play in school anymore, he still plays outside of school with his friends as an outlet to control his mental health. 

“It also helped me take control of my anger issues and put them into better things”, he said.

His love for football extends far beyond just physically playing it. He watches both NFL and college football and has been a lifelong fan of the Chiefs. On top of that, one of his top favorite games is EA Sports’ Madden NFL.

Outside of school, Monty also frequently plays pick-up basketball with his friends and he works as a self-checkout host at Walmart. 

After high school, Monty is planning on joining the Navy. When asked why he said, “I feel like it will be a great financial decision for my future and it can teach me a lot about myself and help me prepare mentally and physically for a career in firefighting in the future.”