Senior Maxwell Sorenson Earns ROTC Scholarship

Courtesy of Maxwell Sorenson

Cadet Maxwell Sorenson also plays for the Boys Varsity Baseball team.

Daniela Martinez, Staff Writer

Cadet Maxwell Sorenson earned a full-ride Army ROTC scholarship this year. He met all the requirements and excelled during his interview at Cadet Command.

“I was really happy, I got something that could really help me out in my life and get me on the right track,” said Cadet Sorenson.  

Cadet Sorenson will be attending Nova Southeastern and he wants to be a marine biologist. The ROTC scholarship pays for all of Maxwell’s financial expenses at college in return for his commitment to serve in the military.

Maxwell has also wished to have a life in the Army, as an officer.

“The scholarship couldn’t have been earned by a better person,” said Lieutenant Colonel Stone who has worked closely with Maxwell, and he admired his inability to give up. “That boy does not quit, regardless of how many times I kick him out, he always comes back.” 

Cadet Sorenson has thrived in extracurricular activities, strengthening his athleticism, another reason he believed he was a great candidate for the scholarship.