COS: Estephania Cherilus

Estephania Cherilus

Estephania heading to work.

Cindy Apolonio Romero, Staff Writer

Estephania Cherilus is a Junior at Santaluces High school. She is an outstanding student and is involved in many clubs and extracurricular activities. Some of these clubs include Key Club, Newspaper Club, and Black Student Union. She is a huge contribution to the Newspaper and a key figure to the success of the club.

She controls social media and brings attention to the Newspaper Club.

She takes rigorous courses such as AP US History and many AICE classes. Not only does she take high-ranking classes, but she also is a photographer. She goes to every game that Santaluces plays and takes pictures for the Newspaper Club. Her pictures are very nice and are posted on social media and used for many articles.

Estephania is a very hard-working student. Not only does she do well in school and participates in clubs, but she also works. She works in the retail industry. Estephania balances work and school and thrives in both.

In her Freshman year before COVID, she volunteered at an elementary school. Now because of COVID, she can’t volunteer there. However, this didn’t stop her. She now volunteers at an animal shelter. Estephania gives comfort to the lonely animals that have no homes, walks them, and plays with them.

Estephania has school spirit and always encourages students to participate. During spirit week, she would always participate and dress down. She would go around the school and take pictures of students that had participated. She boosts school morale with her school spirit.

Estephania Cherilus would love to attend Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University, also known as FAMU. She would love to major in PR Marketing and Minor in Communications. She plans on getting a Bachelor’s degree in the College of Business in PR marketing.

During her free time, she likes to read many books. Her favorite book is The Perks Of being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Estephania and another student are starting a book club to encourage others to start reading, as well.