Meet the Teacher: Mrs. Rosado

This is Mrs. Rosado.

Deanna Isaac, Staff Writer

This is Mrs. Rosado, an AVID and Critical thinking teacher here at Santaluces. Mrs. Rosado has been teaching for around 25 years; she started teaching in New Jersey at Dr. MLK Elementary.

Mrs. Rosado attended Rutgers for her Bachelor’s, in New Jersey, and Gwynedd Mercy University in Pennsylvania to pursue her teaching career.

In college, she was a part of the Lambda Theta Alpha, Latin Sorority INC; she says that the reason for her joining this sorority was because this particular sorority was a “good support group.” She was already a founding sister from this chapter as well, as she wanted the opportunity.

Mrs. Rosado comes from a Puerto Rican and Chilean household. She has stated since her childhood she would become a teacher. She would teach the neighborhood kids and ever since then, it has just been in her DNA to teach. Outside of teaching the neighborhood kids at fourteen years old, she got her first job housekeeping with her mother, followed by working at a retail store.

During her free time, she enjoys playing volleyball, crafting, and baking. She also enjoys spending time with her boys. Along with that, she enjoys traveling to anywhere that has islands and beaches. Her favorite place she’s traveled to would be Italy.

Mrs. Rosado says her favorite thing about Santaluces is the students simply because they remind her of her childhood. Giving any life advice she says to “always be kind!” In her words, any student that graduates become her favorite student.

Some interesting facts about Mrs. Rosado that many of her students might not know are that she’s been married to her husband since 1995 and her advice for a long-lasting marriage is “growing together and appreciate one another.” Mrs. Rosado is a big Eagles fan. She has taught at Alexander D. Henderson, which is a part of FAU, for almost ten years. In the future, she is excited to continue working and expanding the AVID program.