The 2023 Amazon Prime original series Gen V, this American superhero television show follows the lives of hormonal, competitive superhero college students as they put their physical, sexual, and moral boundaries to the test. Gen V serves as the third television series in THE BOYS franchise. It is said that the first season of Gen V is set concurrently with the fourth season of THE BOYS.
The first episode of season one draws you in with a shocking opening scene, a flashback in the form of a nightmare of the lead character, Marie Moreau played by Jaz Sinclair. The audience then is introduced to the main characters like Andre Anderson, Marie’s roommate Emma Meyer, Jordan Li, Luke Riordan, and his girlfriend Cate Dunlap. This entire episode shows you what the character’s lives are like on the campus of Godolkin University. The episode comes to a shocking and suspenseful end, urging the audience to continue to the next episode.
Throughout the second episode, it becomes apparent that the school’s administrators are corrupt and lack good intentions followed by horrific school secrets starting to come to light. You are on the edge of your seat throughout the entire series, not knowing what’s going to happen next from scene to scene.
If you are looking for a jaw-dropping, binge-worthy show that is different from any other show you have watched. I highly recommend you check out Gen V.