Santaluces JROTC program had their first big inspection last Thursday. Every person that is in the program was on a LEE from first period to third period, and the people that are on the drill team were on a LEE for the whole day.
Once we made sure everyone’s uniforms were in order we marched from the JROTC room to the gymnasium.
Our cadets that were in command at the time did one last uniform check in the gym before our inspection finally began.
Local recruiters came to do our inspection. They made their way from the starting point of our formation until the end of it. They graded us on our uniform and if we are in regulations. Being in regulations means if a female your hair has to be off your collar and for males it has to be groomed and not longer than half way down their forehead. Males can’t have piercings and females can only wear earrings in their first holes. 2 rings, a watch, and anything religious is in uniform.
There was a set 30 questions that we were sure to study before this day. The recruiters would ask every cadet at least a minimum of 3 questions to each person. Failure to answer these questions would lower our over all score.
This Friday we have people from the government coming to inspect our JROTC staff. The inspection was meant to happen earlier this year, however due to the government shutdown it was postponed.
This is the biggest inspection that our JROTC academy is going to get. It can either make or break the academy.