Report Cards Are In

Emily Saba

More stories from Emily Saba

Emily Saba

Sophmore Andrew Redmond views his grades from the first semester.

Report cards were released in 5th period yesterday. Grades will be based off of the first and second quarter as well as the semester exam.

The important thing about this report card is that your cumulative GPA will be affected. Last time you were given a GPA, it was based only off of how well you did in the first quarter. Now, it will be averaged in to your overall GPA from all of your high school career.

This is the first look that freshman get of their high school record. Sometimes the transition from middle school can prove to be difficult.

“It is definitely a challenge,” says freshman Emily English. “The school work itself isn’t necessarily that much harder, however, it takes a while to get used to the teachers and other students. I’m confident, however, that by the end of this year everything will be okay.”

Students always find that the first semester can be overwhelming. It’s important to stay focused on your achievements in the second semester, even with the distractions of end of the year activities everywhere you look.