The first season of the Netflix original comedy series The Ranch premiered Friday, April 1st, 2016. The Ranch was created by Two and a Half Men producers Don Reo and Jim Patterson. The first season presented 10 episodes for Netflix subscribers.
The Ranch reunites That 70s Show‘s Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson and hopes to capture the young adult’s viewership. The Ranch‘s fire power cast could carry the series for a potential long run on Netflix.
The Ranch is centered off a former semi-pro quarterback and high school football legend Colt Bennett(Kutcher), return to his return to his home state of Colorado to work on his father’s cattle ranch. Once Bennett returns home he immediately got himself in intense brotherly love arguments with his brother Rooster(Masterson).
Bennett and Rooster’s father Beau played by Sam Elliot has ran the family ranch into the ground in recent years. The ranch’s fate falls into the hands of the three men to work out their differences and rescue the ranch. Beau is also struggling to save his marriage with Bennett and Rooster’s mother.
The initial family drama will entertain its viewers, with its bizarreness and twisted family jokes.The comedy duo of Masterson and Kutcher, epically as brothers, but also as rivals ties into the bizarreness the show brings. Kutcher’s role is quite similar to the role that he played in That 70s Show as a ladies man.
Overall, The Ranch has the star cast and a new storyline that has not yet been worn out to make a long successful run on Netflix. Season two will likely debut in April 2017, could possibly see guest appearances by former That 70s Show’s cast members such as: Topher Grace or Mila Kunis.