Athlete Profile: Nicolas Annalora

Nick’s senior photo

Chwoeger Charleston, Staff Writer

Nicolas Annalora is a senior who prides himself on making the best of high school. At Santaluces, everyone knows him as “Nick”, a fun-loving athlete as well as a long-time band student and musician. 

Nick participates in a number of extracurricular activities. He has played for Santaluces’ boys’ volleyball team three years in a row and plans on playing another year if the season isn’t canceled. 

He is also a skilled baritone player and plays for the Marching Chiefs where he has played in a number of concerts and parades throughout the years. He says he’d be looking forward to it this year if the season hadn’t been canceled. However, he will not let that ruin his last year of high school so he plans on taking on football this year.

In addition to volleyball and the marching band, Nick is also a powderpuff cheerleader for the powderpuff football team.

“You only go to high school once in your life. After this it’s over, so why not try to make it one of the most fun and memorable times of your life,” says Nick when explaining what inspired him to join the powderpuff cheer team.

Outside of school, Nick works for his dad learning the art and science of auto mechanics.

After high school, he plans on going to college to continue playing in marching band and playing volleyball. He hopes to someday be able to travel the world and continue to enjoy life in the next stage of it. For the time being, he is determined to make as many memories as possible in his final year, despite the current pandemic.