Fine Line: One Year Later

Courtesy of @harrystyles on Instagram

Highlights of Harry Styles 2020.

Azwad Ahmed and Myesha Rahman

Fine Line is the second studio album from the pop sensation, Harry Styles. Released just last year, the album has been critically acclaimed, with singles such as “Adore You” and “Watermelon Sugar” reaching triple platinum, and double platinum respectively. Fine Line debuted at number 1 on the Billboard 200, his second album to achieve this feat. It also placed 491st on the Rolling Stone “Top 500 Albums of All Time” list, the album was the most recent release on the list. 

Themes of love, heartbreak, and sexual identity can be found throughout all 12 songs off the album. With Styles incorporating genres such as Psychedelic Pop, Rock and Roll, and Folk with influences from musical icons such as Fleetwood Mac, David Bowie, and Pink Floyd. There are surely a few songs on the album that everyone can enjoy. 

What started as publicizing the cryptic phrase, “do you know who you are?” has catapulted a whirlwind of a year for Harry Styles. Five music videos have come out from the album that has garnered millions of views. His most recent video being “Golden”, marking the end of the “Fine Line Era”. This year, Styles has performed at The Forum arena, hosted SNL, and posed for the Vogue magazine making him the first solo male on the cover of American Vogue. Along with his many achievements he won numerous awards and 3 Grammy nominations for “Best Pop Vocal Album” and “Best Music Video”. 2020 has been a difficult year for most but amidst the ongoing pandemic, Styles has broken barriers and reminds everyone to “Treat People with Kindness”.


Ever since the release of Fine Line, I’ve always found songs off the album in my different playlists. Whether it was the powerful ballad “Falling” or the nostalgia-filled “Canyon Moon”, Fine Line was always on my “recently played” on Spotify no matter the time of day. During quarantine, the upbeat “Watermelon Sugar” always helped raise my spirits. Harry Styles has really shown his growth as an artist and has broken the mold as “one of the boys” from One Direction. In my opinion, Styles has had the most successful solo career out of all the One Direction members. Harry has only grown from his One Direction days and his self-titled first album. The album has no skips, but of course, you’d have to be in a certain mood to listen to some songs. It is quite evident as to why this album made it onto the “Top 500 Albums of all Time” list by Rolling Stone, and I believe that it will only get better as time goes on. In a few years, Fine Line will be seen as a classic and unique gem, released during a time where societal norms are changing. I can only see Harry Styles getting better as his discography continues. This album is a solid 8.5/10 for me. 


Witnessing an artist I love so much and followed my entire life feel liberated and express his vulnerability through this album makes me appreciate it even more. Fine Line has served Style’s intended purpose of self-reflection and self-love and I hope I can speak for many of his fans when I say this album changed my life. With every complete listen I am transcended through an emotional rollercoaster that tells a story of sensuality, confidence, and love. His ardent portrayal of love for yourself as well as others are consistently shown throughout each song. The 6 minutes and 17-second grande finale title track “Fine Line” gave me a steady reminder throughout this hectic year that “we’ll be alright”. 

“If You’re Happy Doing What You Love, Nobody Can Tell You You’re Not Successful”- Harry Styles