Bob Saget Cause of Death Confirmed


Saget was only 65.

Melissa Eugene, Club Member

Bob Saget died last month in his hotel room in Ritz-Carlton in Orlando, Florida. His cause of death at the time was unknown, but recently autopsy reports have shown that his cause of death was due to head trauma. 

According to the autopsy report, Saget suffered a severe blow to the head resulting in a skull fracture in several places. This caused a brain bleed to both sides of his head. 

The night of the incident, his family stated that Saget accidentally fell back and hit his head and didn’t think anything of it and proceeded to go to sleep.

Experts say the severity of the fall would have at least left Saget to be confused, if not unconscious. There were no signs of foul play involved in Saget’s death, nor were there any drugs and alcohol involved.

The autopsy examiner, Dr. Joshua Stephany, says “It is most probable that the decedent suffered an unwitnessed fall backwards and struck the posterior aspect of his head.”

The chair of neurosurgery at Houston Methodist by the name of Dr. Gavin Britz says that “This is something I find with someone with a baseball bat to the head, or who has fallen from 20 or 30 feet.”

This leaves many questions to be unanswered because, how could an accidental fall cause so much damage?