Getting your first part-time job in high school can be extremely stressful and difficult. Balancing employment and your education while keeping good grades in school is a struggle. Plus, getting hired without previous work history isn’t easy. Here are some tips on how to secure your first part-time job successfully.
You should start by knowing your skills, interests, and availability. Make sure you have the time for a job, and keep what hours you would like to work in mind. Getting a job that appeals to you and caters to your skillset will make it much more fun.
Make a resume to hand out or send to jobs. You can find easy templates to use on Google Docs or Canva. Even if you have never been employed, you can still list any volunteer work, extracurricular activities, and relevant experiences. Make sure to highlight traits like organization, leadership, and diligence when writing your resume. Palm Beach State College also has resources to help you with your resume.
Search for job opportunities on websites like Indeed and ZipRecruiter. Talking to family and friends can also be a good way to find companies that are hiring. You can also go to your favorite stores’ websites and apply online, or walk in and ask for hiring details when they aren’t busy.
If you are asked to come in for an interview, there are a few things to keep in mind. Dress appropriately, you should look semi-formal to formal depending on the company. Arrive on time, it’s even a good idea to get there a few minutes early just in case. It is also good to bring a printed copy of your resume in case they want it. Be confident and enthusiastic about your abilities and how you would fit in at the job. Practice with your friends and family to prepare yourself.
If you’re hoping to get a job, I wish you good luck, and remember if you don’t get the first job, don’t be discouraged, keep trying!