Brave is a Pixar animated movie directed by Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman that follows the story of a Scottish princess Merida who disagrees with her family’s tradition and wants to follow her path. The beginning of the movie emphasizes Merida’s bond with her mother and the start of her passion for archery after her father gifts her an arrow. As Merida matures, her passion for archery grows stronger but her mother wants her to follow royal duties and have an arranged marriage. Annoyed, Merida competes in the archery tournament, showing off her skills and testing the suitors. Her mother Queen Elinor disapproves of her passion. After an intense argument with Queen Elinor, Merida searches for a witch to help her change her fate by making a potion that transforms her mother into a bear. While Queen Elinor was a bear they faced challenges but they realized the importance of understanding and communication. Merida learns to appreciate her mother for her sacrifices.
This film has nicely detailed landscapes and visuals of Medieval Scotland that improve the story. The main character Merida could be described as skilled, rebellious, and determined. The movie explores the hard relationship between mother and daughter, and it promotes the importance of making choices for yourself.