Frozen is an animated film developed by Disney about Elsa and Anna, two royal sisters who live in Arendelle. At the start of the movie, Anna wants to play with Elsa’s ice powers, but Elsa can’t control her ice powers and hits Anna by accident. After the accident, Elsa becomes scared of her powers and is told to keep her powers a secret by her parents. She isolates herself from everyone including Anna to prevent her from hurting anyone else. A few years after the accident their parents pass away and Elsa becomes Aredelle’s new queen, she accidentally makes her powers known to the public, causing an ongoing winter in Arendelle. Full of fear and shame, Elsa goes to the mountains and makes herself an ice palace to live alone. Anna goes on a journey, full of determination to bring her sister back and end the ongoing winter with the help of Kristoff an ice harvest, his reindeer Sven, and Olaf the snowman Elsa made when she was younger.
This movie highlights the importance of self-acceptance when Elsa accepts she has ice powers and learns to not be ashamed or scared of them. The movie also shows the bond and love between the two sisters when Anna goes on her journey to the mountains to find her sister Elsa. The songs featured in the movie make the scenes more meaningful.