“I’m an 11th grader here at Santaluces. My accomplishments so far have been my being able to maintain a solid GPA, surrounding myself with morally good people in school, and I was able to make Varsity Volleyball this year. I am proud to say this because I was striving for these goals since I started high school. Also, I was able to follow my passion and produce music full time during my time here, and I am currently being mentored by a big name producer who just so happens to be a former alumni here (Foreign Teck). One thing that I want to accomplish before this school year ends is for me to score high on the SAT and pass all my AP and AICE exams. I am looking forward to do powderpuff again my senior year because I had so much fun doing it my junior year and I can’t wait to do it with my friends again.”
Chiefs of Santaluces: Juanpablo Gonzalez
Tiffany Stavrakas, Staff Writer
March 12, 2018
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Tiffany Stavrakas, Staff Writer
Hi, I’m Tiffany. I am junior in the class of 2019. During my first year in newspaper I would like to further my writing skills and become more well rounded. Here at Santaluces I participate in various activities such as: softball, JROTC raider team, JROTC rifle team, JROTC drill, and JROTC color guard. This year I will also be dual enrolling at Palm Beach State College during their fall semester. I enjoy reading, writing, and hanging out with my friends during my free time.