One of the most anticipated Nintendo games of the year, Super Smash Bros., may not make its way to the United States until October 3rd for the 3DS, but there is hope for people who are anxiously waiting. A free demo version of the game will appear on the Nintendo E-Shop on September 19th.
Super Smash Bros., also known as just Smash or SSB, is a series of games that started in 1999. Smash is a fighting game that originally featured famous Nintendo icons such as Mario and Link from the Legend of Zelda. In later games, playable characters extended and even included characters from outside of the Nintendo franchise. In the 3DS and WiiU versions, which will be the fourth installment of the series, Smash will welcome Namco’s Pac-Man and Capcom’s Megaman.
The demo is restricted only to five characters – Mario, Link, Pikachu, Villager (from Animal Crossing) and Megaman. It also is limited to 30 matches, and only allows multiplayer with local play – connecting to people right next to each other – instead of competing around the world through the Internet like the full version.
This trial version of Smash is a temporary replacement until the complete game hits stores in the U.S., while Japan celebrates its own Smash debut that was September 13th. With the first week of its release in Japan hitting a million copies sold, there’s no doubt that it will be a smash hit in the United States as well.