Bel-Air is a drama series that was recently released in 2022, and it is a spin-off of the comedy sitcom Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, featuring Will Banks who is played by well-known actor, Will Smith.
As many of you may know, the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was a show back in 1990, that featured young teen Will Banks. He was experiencing troubles in his hometown of Philadelphia. His mother believed that Will staying there wouldn’t be safe for him, so she sent him to Bel-Air so that he could live with his aunt, Viv, and uncle, Phil.
This new spin-off features the same storyline, but with a much more modern twist to it. There’s really no synopsis to give for this series because it’s very similar to the original show, but like I said before, much more modern to represent today’s world in a sense.
The show overall is pretty good. I enjoyed watching it, and I hope it gets renewed for Season 2.
10/10 rating from me! 🙂