A Perfect Gift To Give to That One Special Man Out There

Marisia Aquino-Woods

A reminder of how much he truly means to You

Marisia Aquino-Woods, Staff Writer

Hey, my loves.

Welcome to part two of my Valentine’s Day special! This one goes out to my ladies out there who have a special man out there; one who they like to show how much they truly mean to them.

Now as I stated in my part one, ladies, it is not about how much you may get for your significant other, it’s about what expresses your overall true appreciation and loves you have for that one special guy, so let’s get to it.

In my opinion, you couldn’t go wrong with gathering all of your man’s favorite snacks (or even ordering from his favorite restaurant) paired with maybe a pair of socks, shirts, or maybe athletic items, such as a water bottle with maybe a cute saying on how much you love him or a funny quote, his favorite go-to shake before a workout, or even a few sweatbands for working out. Or maybe even just a basketball or football for him to take to the court or beach when he’s out with his friends.

Either way, it shows how much you pay attention to his interests, as well as him in general. Another idea you may find perfect for you is running to your local Michael’s (or local craft store) in which you could buy any type of plain shirt or sweatshirt. There you can have the opportunity to create your own logo that can consist of his lucky number or maybe the date you and him got together, giving that overall expression of a very sentimental gift that not everybody can say they have or have ever received from a someone special.

Now I know what you may be thinking: will he accept flowers? Well, I have news for you, DO IT!

Whoever said guys couldn’t receive flowers from their women? Men deserve a little pampering, too, sometimes ladies, especially if you guys share a passion for inside jokes; here’s an idea. Any kind of flower of your choosing will do paired with maybe a funny card saying “Happy Valentine’s, Day Men love flowers too”, or “Will you be my Valentine for a change?” anything that gives them that sense of love and joy will honestly be enough.

Now for my ladies who want to ask out their crush or boyfriend (again creating that first date type of moment), to be their Valentine, here is an idea for you.

As I said, any card that says the words “Will you be my Valentine will do, paired with maybe his favorite snack and drink, along with maybe just a rose to give a little cute extra element of surprise. This allows him to see how special he is to you as well as allowing him to see that you want him to get the full package of how it truly feels to receive gifts on Valentine’s Day; that today is not just about us ladies.

So, with that being said, I hope I helped you out a little bit on what to get that one special guy today.

Until, next time, my loves! Happy Valentine’s Day!