Chiefs Carry Away Pathfinder Awards

Courtesy of Mishka Brice

Santaluces Pathfinder nominees pose in the Kravis Center with Guidance Counselor Ms. Neer and Social Studies teacher Mrs. Sunset.

Ilisha Strassler, Staff Writer

Although the Seniors are no longer on campus, they still made Santaluces proud at the Pathfinder Awards ceremony that was held at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach.

Roughly 17 students from Santaluces attended the ceremony in different categories such as math, sports, history, literature, community service, academic excellence and foreign language.

Nicole McGarity won third place in Community Service, winning $2,500.

Stacey Destin won 4th place for Sports, winning $2,000.

Shannon Lechon won 2nd place in Literature and won $3,000.

Grace Almanza won 1st place in Art, beating out every school including those that specialize in art. Almanza won $4,000 from pathfinders.

The money that the winners receive from Pathfinder, which is sponsored by The Palm Beach Post, goes towards college expenses. These students went against every nominee in the county and represented Santaluces in the best possible way.