College Help is Here

College is two years away for juniors, and one frightening year away for seniors. With time flying by so fast, most juniors and seniors don’t know what to do with themselves when the time to apply for college comes, and some, are more unprepared than others.

Luckily, librarian and media specialist Ms. Moe is offering college readiness sessions after school every Thursday in the Media Center from 3:00-4:45 p.m.

“I saw the need for help from students who were struggling with the process of applying for college,” said Ms. Moe. “I wanted them to not only be prepared but successful.”

The first session covered the importance of applications and resumes. Factors like GPA, extracurricular activities, community service, and SAT/ACT scores for writing a resume were discussed, and though some colleges don’t require them, it’s best to create one for the writer of your recommendation letters.

Other important details mentioned were the importance of applying junior year of high school rather than waiting last minute senior year and what colleges look for in an application. Junior year is crucial since colleges look specifically at that year’s cumulative GPA. It’s also very important to communicate with the college administrators and be proactive. Sitting around and waiting last minute will only complicate things.

“I didn’t know much about college because my parents never went,” said junior Ashley Ramnauth. “I wanted to be prepared, and this session was very helpful for that. Now, I know more about applications and resumes. I’ll be showing up every Thursday.”

Due to Halloween, the number of students, about 28, was a good showing, but more are expected to come in the following weeks.