Netflix released an extremely popular movie on November 22, 2018 called, “The Christmas Chronicles.” The Christmas Chronicles is an American Christmas comedy that was filmed by Clay Kaytis and produced by 1492 Pictures and Wonder Worldwide. It has a running time of 103 minutes (1 hour and 43 minutes.) The Christmas Chronicles follows Kate and Teddy Pierce on one important Christmas Eve. Kate Pierce is a 10-year-old girl who is a true believer in Santa Claus and wants to film Santa Claus. However, she needs the help of her older brother, Teddy, who is 16 years old and has started down a bad path since his father’s death. When they see Santa Claus in their house, they hop onto his reindeer-drawn sleigh. But then their plan goes haywire and they accidentally crash Santa’s sleigh and lose Santa’s presents as well as his magic hat. Kate, Teddy, and Santa then team up to deliver all of the presents and get Santa’s elves to help repair the sleigh before Christmas morning so the world doesn’t become another Dark Age filled with violence and chaos.
Review: (Spoiler warning)
I think it’s really good because at the end there was a Christmas spirit when Teddy was upset about his dad dying then there was magic in the ornament and his dad’s face showed up on the ornament and Teddy was happy in the end. The movie is a 10/10. It appeals to both young kids and teenagers.
You can watch the trailer of The Christmas Chronicles on YouTube using this link: