Tangled is a Disney-animated musical film made in 2010 by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard. The movie begins with a princess born with long magical hair that has the power to reverse aging. When Rapunzel was a baby an evil woman named Mother Gothel kidnapped her because she wanted to keep Rapunzel’s magic for herself to look young and beautiful. Mother Gothel keeps Rapunzel hidden in a tower away from the world, telling her that the outside world is dangerous, and raises Rapunzel as if she is her daughter.
When Rapunzel is older she gets curious about the world when she notices lanterns in the sky on her birthday. She has a feeling the lanterns are connected to her, but Mother Gothel dismisses her thoughts and forces her to stay in the tower. Flynn Rider is a thief who discovers the tower while running from the royal guards. Rapunzel holds him in captivity so he can show her where she can see the lanterns. After Flynn agrees they go on anĀ adventure so Rapunzel can explore the world outside the tower. Mother Gothel realizes Rapunzel has left the tower and goes to search for her.
Rapunzel can be described as brave and curious when she goes on her journey. This movie has nice animations, like when Rapunzel’s hair is glowing or the detail of the lanterns and the landscape of the forest. Tangled balances fun while also maintaining a meaningful storytelling experience.